2022 – June 2nd through June 13th 78th Anniversary WWII Tour of Europe



2022 – JUNE – 12 Day -78th Anniversary WWII Tour of Europe


 2 June 2022   to   13 June 2022

 Tour locations include

France -  Belgium – Luxembourg – Germany – Austria

 Paris, Normandy, Bastogne,  Luxembourg City,  Wingen Sur-Moder,  Hatten,

Strausberg, Heidleberg, Nuremberg, Dachau, Munich, Salzburg, Berchtesgaden


             * $6,500.00 per person in double occupancy room (flight not included)

(Additional $675 Charge for Single Occupancy Room)

1ST Day – Arrive in Paris

Travelers will each arrive individually into Paris, Charles De Gaulle  (CDG) Airport.  Once you clear immigration and customs, please look for the logo and our WWII ETO Tours representative who will escort you to your transportation to the Paris Hotel.   Where you will stay for 1 night.

Travelers will have the remainder of the day to rest, have lunch and explore Paris on their own.   

Please join us for the WWII ETO Tours Welcome Dinner at 8:00pm in the Hotel



2nd Day – Tour Paris

Breakfast will be served in the Hotel

Following our Breakfast time , travelers will be treated to a Tour to see the sights of Paris.  Join us for a River boat trip down Seines River.   See the Eiffel Tower and visit Notre Dame.  Stroll down the Champs des Ellyses and see the Arc de Triumph. 

   Enjoy some free time for lunch.

la rouche guyon castle

La Rouche Guyon Castle

Depart for Normandy in the afternoon and stop in La Roche-Guyon to visit the Castle where German Field Marshal Irwin Rommel had his Headquarters.

Continue on to Normandy arrive in the evening.  We will be staying in Normandy for the next 3 nights.

Dinner will be at the Hotel


3rd Day – Normandy Beaches

For our first Day in Normandy, following breakfast, we will board the tour bus and travel to the City of Caen to see the Museum of Peace and see the Pegasus Bridge and Museum where British commandos and Canadian First Airborne Units secured strategic bridges for the D-Day invasion Forces.

 After lunch we will depart for Arromanches to see the Mulberry Harbour and Gold Sword and Juno Beaches where the British and  Canadian Forces landed .pegasus-bridge black

Dinner at the Hotel in the evening.


4th Day – St. Mere Eglise & D- Day Ceremony

St mere eglise church

St Mere Eglise Church

After Breakfast we continue our Tour to St. Mere Eglise where we visit the town square and the Church where John Steele the 82nd airborne paratrooper (famously portrayed by Red Buttons in the movie – “The Longest  Day”),   became caught on the steeple.This Church has beautiful stained glass  windows with depictions of American Paratroopers.  The town square will be  filled with many WWII Jeeps, half tracks, Command Cars and Troup trucks.    Enjoy the authentic uniformed reinactors who portray the soldiers from the  101st and 82nd Airborne Divisions.  We will also visit the 82nd Airborne Museum

Next we will journey to the famous Utah Beach where will explore the area where the Americans, under the command of General Theodore Roosevelt Jr., son of President Roosevelt, landed with his troops. 


Point Du Hoc

Now we will head to Point du Hoc, where Colonial Rudder famously lead the 2nd Ranger division up the cliffs.   From there we will go to the American Cemetery located at Omaha Beach where over 9387 America soldiers are buried (307 of these Soldiers are “Known But to God”).  

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D- Day Ceremony

   Here we will be able to participate in the 71st Anniversary of the D-Day Ceremony.                                                                                                                    Return to our Hotel for Dinner


5th Day    Travel to  Reims

Following Breakfast we will depart for Compiegne Forest to see the Railroad car where the French accepted the German surrender, ending WWI.  This is the same Railroad car used during WWII by Hitler to accept the French surrender in 1940.


Little Red Schoolhouse

We will visit the Supreme Headquarters Allied Expeditionary ForceSHAEF” (General Eisenhower’s command and Map Room).   Also known as the “Little Red Schoolhouse”.   This is where General Alfred Yodle, German Field Marshall, signed the unconditional surrender of Germany, on 7 May, 1945.

SHAEF shoulder patch

                                            Return to Hotel in Reims for Dinner

 6th Day – Bastogne / Battle of the Bulge

Next we will travel to Bastogne, Belgium to see General Charles McCauliffe Square and the Bastogne Museum. We will take a tour of  the sites where the Battle of the Bulge took place. Also visiting sites like  Foy, Malmedy and St. Vith.

Battle of the Bulge

Stay the night in a hotel in Bastogne


7th Day – Luxembourg Memorial Cemetary

Depart after breakfast  travel to Luxembourg, where General Patton is buried.  From there we travel to the town of Wingen Sur Moder, France where the “Mini Bulge” and Operation Norwind took place.We will visit a small home where the local town Historian will show us actual battle sites and tell us stories while we have lunch. 

Windgen Sur Moder House

Windgen Sur Moder House

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Hatten France
at the Siegfreid line

**June 3rd Anniversery Tour only (take a trip to the town of Hatten France with WWII Veteran Chick Havey to hear personal stories of the battles he fought in these towns.)  

Leave for Strausburg,  France, eat dinner at the Hotel and stay  1 night



8th Day - Strausburg / Heidleberg Castle

heidleberger castle

Heidelberg Castle

After breakfast leave Stausburg – you will travel to  beautiful Heidelberg where General Patton passed away in a local Hospital.   Tour the Heidleberg Castle where American Officers were quartered after the invasion of Germany.

Leave in the afternoon for Nuremberg, Germany and stay the night




9th Day – Nuremberg / Palace of Justice

palace of justice

Palace of Justice

After breakfast In Nuremberg we will visit the Nazi Party grounds – where they held Nazi Party rallies.  We will then head to the Palace of Justice where the War Crimes trials were held in 1945/1946.  From here and travel to the Dachau Concentration Camp where we tour the facility.

  From here we will travel to Munich where we will enjoy

  Dinner at the famous   Hofbrauhaus Bavarian Style Restaurant.


10th Day – Hitlers Eagles Nest

eagles nest

Hitlers Eagles Nest

Breakfast in Munich at t he Hotel and now begins our final adventures : Including a trips to Berchtesgaden where we will see Hitlers famous Eagles Nest, where we will  lunch.  Next travel to the quaint town of Salzburg, Austria for the afternoon

Head back Munich for the night



11th Day – Munich Germany / Neuschwanstien Castle

Breakfast at the Hotel and option of either: a Day exploring the interesting

  Explore the City of Munich Germany                     OR                                   a trip to visit the Castle at Neuschwanstein                                                                                                                      (where the the Germans hid stolen art –                                                                                                                                                                 shown in the movie Monuments men”)


Munich Germany

Castle at Neuschwanstein



Final Celebration Dinner and at the hotel



12th Day – Munich Germany / leave for home

Final Breakfast in the Hotel and departure to Franz Josef Strauss Airport in  Munich for your trip home